Root Canal Treatment

Inconvenient conditions, such as tooth hypersensitivity, can be treated with a root canal treatment. The procedure is generally performed when the pulp and soft tissue inside your tooth’s canal has become infected and inflamed as a result of severe tooth decay, a crack or chip inside the tooth. Often the procedure is meant to relieve dental pain and in other cases to save your teeth from further damage.

Understanding root canal treatment

The basis of this treatment is similar to that of a plant organism’s root system; the root canals of a tooth have the main branch, and many other smaller side branches connected to the main branch. Root canals are very small spaces that need precision to treat well. The whole system needs to be sealed during the treatment to be successful in the long run.

How does the procedure work?

  1. Diagnosis and identification of canal infection
  2. Numbing of the selected area
  3. Cleaning and removal of infected and inflamed soft tissue.
  4. The open canals are filled with a material which prevents further infection and contamination.
  5. A temporary filling is placed on top to seal the opening.
  6. Finally, a dental crown is cemented into place to complete the treatment.

Do I need root canal treatment?

Whether or not you are in need of this treatment will be determined after your first dentist consultation. Nevertheless, you should be aware of what is going on regarding your oral health and what your possible options are. Dr Wadvalla will be the best person to consult if you think you need this dental procedure.

General symptoms leading to endodontic treatment:

  • Tooth pain that will often lessen or intensify throughout the day.
  • Tooth pain that worsens only when you bite down directly on it.
  • Prolonged sensitivity to hot foods and a variety of beverages.
  • Tender or visibly swollen gums around the problem area.